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Here’s what we’ve done in 9 months

About 9 months ago, we launched this ambitious idea to gather our friends, neighbors, and animal lovers in New England and around the country to advocate for a brand new national marine sanctuary to protect the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale.

In that time, we’ve:

  • Gathered almost 5,000 public comments in support of the sanctuary
  • Sat down with the Director of NOAA’s Marine Protected Areas to present our ideas and suggestions
  • Paid the wages of four brilliant interns to learn, teach, and spread the word about right whales around the greater Boston area
  • Organized and informed activists, environmentalists, and stakeholders to begin working on solutions that fit the needs and wants of us all

Before the end of the quarter tonight at midnight, I hope you will make a small commitment, if you can, by chipping in AMT to keep making headway toward getting right whales the protection they deserve.

Steady on,


Posted on September 30, 2024.

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Save the Right Whales

The North Atlantic right whale is a critically endangered whale. In the 1970s, with the first whale watches, there were estimated to be 350 right whales, and the population was growing. Then, in 2017, right whales took a turn for the worse. By 2020, the population had fallen to 338 right whales, with only 50-70 breeding females. We must now do more to protect and restore right whales.


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