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We need broad, standardized, and enforceable rules

The heartbreaking reports that a right whale calf was struck by a ship and the resulting injuries are likely to be fatal is another call that more must be done to protect whales.

The hard truth is that we currently have a hodgepodge of precautions where only certain kinds of vessels are mandated to go certain speeds in certain areas when what we need are broad, standardized, and enforceable rules.

A Right Whale National Marine Sanctuary can achieve that.

This accident is the 14th documented ship strike to cause serious injury or death, but we know more have occurred that were either less serious or are just unknown to researchers. Right whales are dark in color and swim just under the surface of the water, making them hard to spot, so strikes will continue to happen if boaters are not required by law to take more care. For the sake of these whales and other marine animals along the coast of New England, we must rethink the current guidelines and put more stringent rules in place.

Our organization is here to help keep ships accountable for slowing down, dispel myths around whales, and educate the public about these creatures and how to keep the ocean a healthy and safe habitat for them.

We’re following this story and will keep you updated.


Posted on January 16, 2024.

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Save the Right Whales

The North Atlantic right whale is a critically endangered whale. In the 1970s, with the first whale watches, there were estimated to be 350 right whales, and the population was growing. Then, in 2017, right whales took a turn for the worse. By 2020, the population had fallen to 338 right whales, with only 50-70 breeding females. We must now do more to protect and restore right whales.


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